Meet your next Leadership Development trainer..

His ancestors have survived on earth for 56 million years despite being preyed upon by mountain lions, wolves and coyotes.

Even though it might look like he’s just meandering along, if you watch closely, he’s also…

Checking the horizon and behind him using his sight, hearing and smell.

Checking if my heart is in regulation – something he can sense from 4 feet away. 

Checking for incongruence via his limbic system 

Sensing my body posture, breathing and energy levels.

Scanning my intentions and what is going on in me at a gut level.

Checking whether I’m authentic.

Now imagine if you asked the Leaders in your organisation to step into a space with this horse.

Imagine if you then asked them to lead the horse.

What would the horse sense from that person? How would he react?

Would he be willing to follow?

I’ll let you in on a secret..

He would only let that person lead him if they were being authentic, self-aware, communicating clearly, empathetic in their approach and honest about their emotions.

These are the qualities horses demand of us.

And the qualities we must bring if they are to trust us, feel safe in our presence and follow our lead.

It’s why they are perfect co-facilitators in Leadership Development.

And this particular one happens to be my all time favourite!

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